오픽6 오픽노잼 자기소개는? 특별한게 없으면 그냥 skip 해버리기~~ 좋아하는거 말하기 취미에 대해 말하기 뒤에 있는 질문들 답변과 연결하면 좋은 점수를?? 2023. 7. 25. 오픽노잼1 내가 사는곳 I live in a 3 bedroom apartment with my wife. You know, among them, my favorite is my bedroom. Oh, I can wind down and relax in my bedroom. You know, I can do everything in my bedroom. I can listen to music and watching movies and so on. Oh, it's a perfect place in my house. You know, um... Whenever I concentrate is something my room is the best place in my house. Whenever I need to conce.. 2023. 7. 24. 이전 1 2 다음 728x90 320x100 LIST