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재활용 주제

by 양기호니 2023. 8. 21.

재활용이 어떻게 되는지 설명해주세요.


Garbage is a big problem in every country.

It causes environmental pollution and destroys nature.

Among them, plastic takes a long time to decompose in nature.

Recycling is one of the best ways to deal with plastic waste.

It is eco friendly because we can reduce trash and reuse our resources.

Korea is a good example when it comes to recycling.

Recycling is well practiced at people's homes.

It has become a daily routine in people's lives.

Once again, Koreans practice recycling quite well.



재활용 물건에 대한 설명

I have two types of trash cans at home.

One is for regular garbage, and the other is for the recyclables.

I gather plastics, bottles, cans, paper and glass there.

I wash the bottles and cans before I toss them in the recycling bin.

And then, I take them out separately.

I do that at least once or twice a week on average.

I often do that on my way out.

Meanwhile, there is a designated area for the recycling.

It is next to the dumpster for regular garbage.

So, this is the way I recycle at home.



어렸을때, 과거 재활용

Back in the day, people didn't think recycling was important.

They didn't recycle at home because there was no recycling policy.

People just took out the recyclables with the other garbage.

However, recycling was practiced at schools.

Students separated the recyclables from the non recyclables.

They sometimes took scrap paper to school for collection.

I remember doing that when I was a kid.

But these days, peoples's thoughts have changed a lot.

They think recycling is very important for the environment.

So, recycling is well practiced at people's homes.

It has become a daily routine in people's lives.



기억에 남는 재활용 뉴스

I rememver watching the news about a recycling problem that happend in 2023.

China used to import recyclables from other countries.

However, it stopped doing that from 2023 due to environmental reasons.

As a result, Korea had no place to export its recyclables.

There was too much supply, and the price for recyclables dropped sharply.

Eventually, recycling companies stopped collecting scrap plastic because they couldn't make any profis.

Scrap plastic started to pile up at people's homes.

It was a serious problem.

In the end, local governments had to intervene.

They started to pay subsidies to recycling companies.

And they started to collect scrap plastic again.

So, this was the incident I remember about recycling.



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