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가구 주제 정리

by 양기호니 2023. 8. 7.

당신집의 가구에 대해 이야기해라

좋아하는 가구는?


There are many types of funiture in my apartment.

In ther living room, there is a tea table, a sofa.

In my bedroom, I have a desk, a chair, a bed.

I also have a bookshelf and a dressing table.

I also have some dressers and some built-in closets.

My favorite furniture is my bed because I love to sleep.

It is very comfy and cozy, so it helps me get quality sleep.

Getting a good night's sleep is very important.

The mattress is covered with a bed sheet.

There is a warm blanket and several pillows on the bed.

I always make my bed when I wake up in the morning I like to keep my bed nice and tidy.

So, there are the furniture I have at home.


평소에 가구를 어떻게 이용하나요?

어떤거 사용하니?


I have a sofa in the living room.

It's a brown couch and it is made of leather.

There are several cushions on it.

I usually sit on the sofa when I am watching TV.

I sometimes lie down on it and take a nap.

Plus, I have some closets in my room, which I use to store my clothes.

There is a section where I hang my shirets, vests and cardigans.

There is also a section where I hang my blouses, skirts and dresses.

There is another section where I hang my suits, winter coats and jackets.

There are drawers where I keep my weaters, hoodies and hats.

There are also drawers where I keep my socks, stockings and underwear.

I always try to keep my closets well organized.

So, this is how I use my furniture on a typical day.


어릴때와 지금은 어떤차이가?

Frankly, I don't remember the furniture from my childhood that well.

It was a long time ago, so my memory is unclear.

But I guess the furniture I used when I was a kid was a lot smaller.

For example, my bed was a siingle bed for children.

The bed I use now is a king sized bed for adults.

Nest, I think the color of the furniture used to be brighter.

For instance, my bookshelf was light brown when I was a kid.

The bookshelf I use now is dark brown.

So, I guess the size and color of the furniture are the biggest differences.

That is all I remember.


가구에 생긴 문제 해결하기


I remember having several problems with my furniture over the years.

Once, I remember when my chair got damaged.

One of the wheels broke and fell off.

It was impossible to fix it, so I had to throw it away.

I eventually got a new chair.

Also, I remember when my bed got scratched on the side.

It didn't look good, so I covered it up with some sheets.

Next, I remember when the sofa got a stain.

I spilled something on it by mistake.

I wiped it off as soon as I could, but it left a stain.

I had to clean it off with a stain remover.

Plus, I remember when my couch got ripped.

The leather got worn out because I used it for a long time.

I decided to get a new couch and bought a new one.

So, these were the problems I have had with my furniture.



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