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동거인 전입신고, 혼인신고 전 전입신고 동거인 전입신고, 혼인신고 전 전입신고요즘 아파트에 주차등록하려면 등본을 들고가야해요~ 주차난이 심각하거든요..ㅎㅎ 아주~~~ 간단히 온라인으로 신청이 가능합니다ㅎㅎ 민간인증서 쓰시는걸로 간단히 본인확인 동거인 세대원으로 전입하시는 경우에는 세대주의 확인이 필요합니다~! 저는 혼인신고 전의 와이프가 들어와서ㅎㅎ 간단히 신청하시면 됩니다. 참쉽쥬?? 2023. 8. 28.
재활용 주제 재활용이 어떻게 되는지 설명해주세요. Garbage is a big problem in every country. It causes environmental pollution and destroys nature. Among them, plastic takes a long time to decompose in nature. Recycling is one of the best ways to deal with plastic waste. It is eco friendly because we can reduce trash and reuse our resources. Korea is a good example when it comes to recycling. Recycling is well practiced at .. 2023. 8. 21.
가구 주제 정리 당신집의 가구에 대해 이야기해라 좋아하는 가구는? There are many types of funiture in my apartment. In ther living room, there is a tea table, a sofa. In my bedroom, I have a desk, a chair, a bed. I also have a bookshelf and a dressing table. I also have some dressers and some built-in closets. My favorite furniture is my bed because I love to sleep. It is very comfy and cozy, so it helps me get quality sleep. Gettin.. 2023. 8. 7.
과거경험 말하기 Past Experience -MP (main point) -Fillers / feelings -Freestyle -Conclusion 재활용 MP -Recycling... ok, that;s pretty interesting. -When I was a child.... Now that I think more about it, I remember specifically my mother giving me the low-down on how to recycle. She was like, "Sam, make sure to separate everything!" And then.... not berfore~~ I decided to try out a new coffe shop nearby my home ~ 2023. 7. 26.